Wednesday May 24, 2023

EP 4 // From Self-Sacrifice to Self-Love: My Journey of Learning How to Really Live with J.O.Y.

Hey sweet friend!

In this podcast, I share my personal journey from self-sacrifice to self-love. For years, I put others first, constantly sacrificing my own needs and desires in an effort to please those around me and God. I thought that by putting others first, I was being a "good person" and doing the right thing. But over time, I began to realize the toll that this self-sacrifice was taking on me. I was exhausted, angry, and really unhappy.

It wasn't until I hit rock bottom that I realized something needed to change. I started to prioritize my own needs and desires, and to focus on self-care and self-love. At first, this was a difficult transition for me. I felt guilty and selfish for putting myself first. But as I continued on this journey, I began to see the profound impact that self-love had on my life. I felt happier, more fulfilled, and more alive than ever before.

Ultimately, this podcast is about the power of self-love and the transformation that is possible when we learn to prioritize our own needs and desires. It is a reminder that we are all worthy of love and care, and that by taking care of ourselves, we can live a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. And I believe that's where God really wants us because in that space we love Him and others really well. 

I hope you will find so much love and support in this episode!

xo, ErinJean

Join me for the June 15th group I mentioned, focused on Inner Child Healing:

Get my free meditation at:

Book a call at:

Here's what will happen on this no-cost call:

  • I'll show you exactly how my clients are able to END THE YELLING.
  • I'll also show you a simple trick that makes your husband ask you about your day and the best part is your husband will think IT'S HIS IDEA!
  • You'll also find out how my clients with the most demanding, stubborn, overbearing controlling husbands were able to create peace and remove the yelling without therapy or even involving their husbands. 
  • You’ll discover why you’re wired to keep these unhealthy patterns going and how to rewire them. 
  • I’ll also show you how to STOP feeling like you're walking on eggshells in your own home!
  • We’ll put an end to second guessing yourself and feeling like a crazy person, because guess what? You’re not crazy!

Book your call NOW!


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Friday May 26, 2023

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