Saturday Sep 23, 2023

EP 19 // Intentional Choices: Nurturing Decision-Making in Your Life and Guiding Your Children

Hey sweet friend!

In this enlightening episode I  engage in a captivating conversation with Kim DeYoung, the brilliant author behind "The Book of Choice." Join me as Kim shares her profound insights into the transformative power of intentional decision-making. Kim's book serves as a comprehensive guide that empowers readers to navigate life's complexities through thought-provoking questions and the art of listening with curiosity.

My discussion with Kim goes beyond the pages of her book, touching on the critical role of supporting teenagers and young adults in their decision-making process, and how we can bring this into motherhood. Tune in to gain practical tools and profound insights that will help you lead a more examined, intentional life. Discover how the choices we make can shape our path towards inner peace and fulfillment. This conversation is bound to leave you inspired and ready to embrace the full potential of your decision-making process.

To connect with Kim visit the following links below:

xo, ErinJean

P.S. Remember if you’re needing support in your marriage, you can grab my free meditation at:

Or Book a call at:

Here's what will happen on this no-cost call:

  • I'll show you exactly how my clients are able to END THE YELLING.
  • I'll also show you a simple trick that makes your husband ask you about your day and the best part is your husband will think IT'S HIS IDEA!
  • You'll also find out how my clients with the most demanding, stubborn, overbearing controlling husbands were able to create peace and remove the yelling without therapy or even involving their husbands. 
  • You’ll discover why you’re wired to keep these unhealthy patterns going and how to rewire them. 
  • I’ll also show you how to STOP feeling like you're walking on eggshells in your own home!
  • We’ll put an end to second guessing yourself and feeling like a crazy person, because guess what? You’re not crazy!

Book your call NOW!

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