Thursday Aug 17, 2023

EP 14 // Unveiling RRT and Unblocking Your Unconscious

Hey Sweet Friend!

Welcome back to another enlightening episode of "The Business of Inner Peace." I'm your host Erin Jean, and today we're delving into a fascinating realm of transformational therapy that's been changing lives - Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT).

Learn more here: CLICK TO LEARN MORE

Have you ever felt like you're on a never-ending loop of healing, constantly working on yourself but somehow still feeling stuck? Well, today's episode is your golden ticket to break free from that cycle and find a new perspective on healing and personal growth.

Join me as we explore the powerful world of RRT, created by the brilliant Dr. John Connolly. We'll dive into the intricacies of this method and learn how it communicates with different levels of your brain, inviting profound shifts in your thoughts and behaviors. And guess what? You don't need to be an expert to grasp its magic!

Dr. John challenges the traditional paradigms of healing and emotions. We'll uncover how we often unknowingly perpetuate suffering by clinging onto outdated identities. Buckle up as we navigate through the concept of identity, what it means to truly outgrow paradigms, and the incredible ways RRT is rewriting our perception of healing. CLICK HERE to grab his book!

Picture this: your mind as a computer, constantly processing data and assigning meaning. We'll unveil how to reprogram that very mechanism, just like updating software, to see the world in a whole new light. And the best part? It's not about right or wrong, but about value. So, let's bid adieu to the suffering loop and embrace the transformation that's waiting for us.

I've personally trained in various healing modalities, but RRT's insights hit me like a lightning bolt - helping me understand in five minutes what might take six sessions of another approach. Together, we'll learn to let go of the cage of constant healing and explore the freedom in embracing change.

So, my dear friends, it's time to loosen your grip on those old paradigms and open your arms to a fresh perspective. Join me on this exhilarating journey to reprogram your mind, shift your identity, and tap into the unconscious magic that's been waiting for you. As we embark on this adventure, I can't wait to share the path to inner peace with each and every one of you. Get ready to lean back, listen in, and let the transformation begin!

I hope you will find so much love and support in this episode!

xo, ErinJean

P.S. Remember if you’re needing support in your marriage, you can grab my free meditation at:

Or Book a call at:

Here's what will happen on this no-cost call:

  • I'll show you exactly how my clients are able to END THE YELLING.
  • I'll also show you a simple trick that makes your husband ask you about your day and the best part is your husband will think IT'S HIS IDEA!
  • You'll also find out how my clients with the most demanding, stubborn, overbearing controlling husbands were able to create peace and remove the yelling without therapy or even involving their husbands. 
  • You’ll discover why you’re wired to keep these unhealthy patterns going and how to rewire them. 
  • I’ll also show you how to STOP feeling like you're walking on eggshells in your own home!
  • We’ll put an end to second guessing yourself and feeling like a crazy person, because guess what? You’re not crazy!

Book your call NOW!


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